Dragging ourselves away from Galicia, NW Spain, was tough. It’s a great area. Lovely people, great scenery, and the Rias - just fabulous.
Our last stop in Galicia, was just a brief sail from Vigo, and what a contrast. Vigo has taken quite a knock in this financial climate. Much is closed, new builds are abandoned unfinished, and the docks appear very run-down. By Contrast, Bayona, just 10 miles away is a bustling old town, set in the shadow of the old fortifications and nestling behind the headland on the southern side of the Ria da Vigo.
The Marinero helped us secure to the club pontoon, briefed us on the layout of the facilities, and explained it was their ORC National Regatta weekend so there was a big party, and we were invited. The clubhouse is excellent. Set in the old fort, with ramparts, arches and old portcullises, overlooking the secure bay with its sandy beaches, it wasn’t difficult to enjoy the free beer, and free tapas, as the music played.
Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona.
And now are you in Gib? Inquiring minds want to know.