All good cruising adventures seem to start holed up in Yarmouth, sitting out a gale, and this trip has proved no exception.
With the balmy days of summer long forgotten, and blown along by chilly NW’erlies , we escaped the clutches of the Solent, enjoyed stunning views of the Jurassic Coast of Dorset, the night life of Dartmouth, and a spectacular display of synchronised swimming, with leaps, summersaults, and tail-walking, by a pair of White Cheeked Oceanic Dolphin we headed south in search of perpetual summer.
The flashes of the mighty light houses of Brittany heralded our arrival. As dawn broke we nosed our way through the rocks and picked up a buoy in the river at L’Aber Wrac’h whilst we waited for the tide to take us down the Chenal du Four, with its mighty lights, Le Four, La Jument, and, a little further south, Ar Men.
Nestled in the cliffs, guarding the Rade de Brest, we wait in the ancient town of Camaret, complete with its stone circle, for the weather window to cross Biscay.
The Moules are good here.
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