Saturday 23 October 2010

Gibraltar to Porto Santos

It was sad to leave Gibraltar (who would have believed it). But we came away with a prize; Moira is a graduate of Hercules Sailing School, a fine sailor and fun company. She will be staying with us until Gran Canaria where she hopes to join a boat for the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers.

Departing the coast of Morocco was a busy evening; if each one of those fishing boats catch just one fish each …. they haven’t caught them all, Moira caught a Bonito the following day; a very tasty lunch.

The task of steering for the five day crossing was assigned to Carly. We have two kinds of self-steering: the Autohelm (George) and Hydovane (Carly Simon – You’re so Vain). George operates the main rudder to follow a pre-programmed compass course, this requires battery power: Carly uses a vane to control her own rudder in order to keep the boat at a constant angle to the wind. As wind direction is rarely constant for long it is necessary for the crew to periodically check the course.

We are now sat in the marina at Porto Santos (a small rocky island some thirty miles north of Madeira). The marina is next to one of the nicest beaches I have seen; topless seems to be the norm. Afternoon sorted.


  1. Glad to see you made it safely and have your afternoon's entertainment sorted.

  2. Hey Moria, luvin the pic and the backdrop! Good to see u made it and now living the dream. I'll be thinking about your progress as I ponder life from my desk! Enjoy the experience be safe and take care. Look out for us is St Thomas in Novemeber ( wouldnt that be a coincidence!)

    Dan and Sheila, Carrickfergus N Ireland.
